I am a Facebook voyeur

I LOVE trolling and stalking on Facebook. Under my REAL name of course, so I have to be careful that those people don't have the app that tells them how many times I've visited their profile. 

I have found political fodder, affairs, lies and more. Oh the stories I could tell! I know I'm living a sad existence. But I'm having way too much fun to be sad. 

I have a hand of go-to profiles that I visit. Some are friends, some are public and some are friends of friends. This one girl who is a self professed foodie has lost a ton of weight, ditched her BF and moved to the big city. She loves posting pics of what she wears and her make-up "look of the day" while flattering herself and fishing for compliments. All the while showing what luxurious taste she has in food/men/clothes/jeweller. Being on the prowl basically. It's fun to see how many guys take the bait or NOT. 

And then there's this very gay architect who is the scion of a prominent construction family whom I knew in university. He is an active evangelical christian but somehow reconciles his lifestyle with his beliefs. He is a talented classical tenor and an amazing chef. He has turned down my friend request but his profile is public. Honestly I am a wee bit gutted. He is hilariously funny. 

Then there's this fat wanna-be loudmouth ABC stockbroker who has moved from Sydney to KL with his try-hard FOB wife who speaks broken english and dresses like a cabaret singer. These 40-somethings had a ivf miracle child and they love to share and they have promptly become party friends of children of Tan Sri's and Dato's and Tunku's who are far younger than them. This loser keeps commenting on my shit and wanting to "catch up". WTF is catching up with someone who keeps showing up at events you go to? And ignoring does not work as well as filtering him out. Phew. What a car crash.

There's this gay newscaster who loves himself and thinks he's the cutest thang ever. He's in Tokyo with his equally cute Japanese boyfriend. Guess what, there's a few degrees of separation between him and that gay architect friend. Love him and his wit. 

I love these people. They make great entertainment. 


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